

學(xué)術(shù)信息:  前沿科學(xué)報(bào)告(四十四)


報(bào)告題目:Nonlinear phenomena in polariton topological insulators

報(bào)告人:Yaroslav Kartashov教授



科技處 前沿院 文理學(xué)院



Yaroslav Kartashov 教授是俄羅斯科學(xué)院光譜研究所理論系的首席科學(xué)家,同時(shí)也是巴塞羅那光子科學(xué)研究所(ICFO-The Institute of Photonics Sciences)的客座教授。年僅42歲,但已經(jīng)在光學(xué)和物理學(xué)主流刊物上發(fā)表了260多篇,包括二十多篇Physics Review Letters, 并在物理系上頂尖期刊如Reviews of Modern Physics (IF 36.367), Progress in Physics (IF 14.257) 發(fā)表了多篇Review性質(zhì)的文章。是非線性光學(xué)和拓?fù)涔庾訉W(xué)領(lǐng)域內(nèi)非常著名的專家和具有重要影響力的學(xué)者,是Optics Letters期刊非線性光學(xué)方向的編輯,也是OSA主辦的Nonlinear Photonics歷年年會(huì)的總主席和眾多具有國際重要影響力的會(huì)議的組織者。


Nonlinear phenomena in polariton topological insulators

In this presentation I will address unique system allowing investigation of the interplay between nonlinearity and topology - polariton condensates in optical microcavities. Optical microcavities supporting exciton-polariton quasi-particles offer one of the most powerful platforms for the investigation of rapidly developing area of topological photonics in general, and of photonic topological insulators in particular. Energy bands of polaritons in arrays of microcavity pillars arranged into various lattice configurations, such as honeycomb or Lieb, are readily controlled by the magnetic field and strongly influenced by the spin-orbit coupling effects, a combination leading to formation of unidirectional edge states in polariton topological insulators. In this presentation I will depart from the linear limit of non-interacting polaritons and address properties of nonlinear topological edge states, describe their instabilities resulting in the formation of localized topological quasi-solitons, which are exceptionally robust and immune to backscattering wavepackets propagating along the edge of the array of microcavity pillars. Both bright and dark topological quasi-solitons will be considered. I will also discuss bistability effects appearing in resonantly pumped polariton condensates in dissipative structured microcavities and describe how polarization and frequency of the pump beam may be used to control stability and localization of the excited nonlinear edge states that can be completely stable in such nonlinear "driven" systems. Finally, a variety of resonant phenomena with topological edge states that can be induced by temporal modulations of the underlying lattice of microcavity pillars will be discussed.

上一條:“未央導(dǎo)師論壇”系列學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告(三百八十三) 下一條:前沿科學(xué)報(bào)告(四十三)